
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Okay so this week we did a lot of work in the yard… at least I did, and I think that Seth was there, not sure, it was really hot, it clouds your memory.I would like the thank the Gamble family for teaching me how to work long hours in really hot or cold weather and not stop even for water and only take like an hour break for lunch….. Well the lunch break Is reasonable to begin with but ya I love you guys……

I think as of now that I will be doing the feeding program with Pastor Flores (I think  that is how you spell it)…. I think that it will be good for me cause all of the other things are like just interaction with people, and I think that I am the kind of person that needs to have work and interaction so it is a good fit for me….. The info meeting is next Monday so keep me in your prayers, you are all in mine…… so with that and Crea that gives me 16 of the 25 to 30 hours of ministry I need per week. (AIM Standers) so I just need like 10 more hours and a set schedule and I think that I have a good semester……

Okay well back to my week  so yeah I think that we all had a pretty good week yesterday we all went to to a dump in Managua. It is so hard to describe all that we saw, there was old medical waste, burning tires, all different kinds of chemicals that would mix and then with all the heat form the sun combust and burn…. Some of the trash piles were as high as 60 feet……. It was really nice to see how much love some people and groups are putting into this area. There was a very nice school and some pretty cool kids there…. I was talking to a couple of  kids  and asked them where they lived; one said that they live right on the trash hill and another said they live in the small town next to it.  It got me how happy they were! I can’t see how anyone could live there, I know that even though they don’t live in comfortable Granada or the states,  they have the strength of  Christ and that Is the most ultimate reason to be happy….. I pray for the people that are living there and the people that are there everyday helping them to have a better life………

John 16:33   (NIV)

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have over come the world.

9 responses to “i have no idea what to call this blog so i am not going to call it anything……..”

  1. Caleb,

    I don’t even know what to say about that kind of poverty. Your attitude is inspiring.

    Be well. Try not to breath to deeply around the trash fires.


  2. Caleb,

    I like your insight into your own gifts eith people. You have always been a hard worker and been dedicated to whatever you set out to do. It is one of the things that i most appreciate about you. You and the people that you will be working with are in our prayers every day.

    Much love,

  3. Glad to hear you’re doing well. It is amazing how much we are blessed in America isn’t it? Most of us don’t realize it until we visit a foreign country. I got the message you left on my phone, I’ll be praying for you.


  4. Calab,

    Thanks for the nice thoughts. We really enjoy your writing – it helps us remember that happiness does not come from $ and things but from the heart.

    Have a great week!

    Take care,

    Mr. Gamble

  5. Hi Caleb,
    great to hear about the different ministries you’ll be doing this semester. I will keep praying that God shows you just where he wants you. Your sharing about the dump and the school and people who live there sounds much like what someone from my church experienced while on mission in Honduras. It’s good to hear that God’s people (including you) are willing to go where the needs are, regardless of the circumstances.
    That’s a great verse you shared. a good reminder of the perspective we need to have and the Source of our peace. Thanks. . . .much needed for me right now.
    May Christ’s light shine brightly through you as you serve others!
    Mrs. Kilmer

  6. Caleb you are so awesome it blows my mind i think that you are the most awesome person ever……. thats all

  7. Hey Caleb:
    I’ve really missed you these past months at Northern Hills but know that you’re doing God’s work. It was great to see you over the holidays. It seems that you’re finding focus in your life and an appreciation for the blessings of God. He’s equipping you now for even greater works in the future.

    Your friend,


  8. “long hours in really hot or cold weather and not stop even for water”
    Da-Gum! You forgot to mention the smoke, dust, insulation, fumes, and crazy doll!
    Good time, no?
    Anyways, any ideas yet on what your doing summer time? JD, PETE, ANDY, LEVI, ME, YOU… we could work at a summer camp… Oh, wait, you hate little children… 🙂 Give us some ideas brosif.

  9. “for teaching me how to work long hours in really hot or cold weather and not stop even for water and only take like an hour break for lunch”….
    Man, you make us sound like slave drivers! How about the huge box of Snickers Bars??????

    And water??? Why didn’t you get some water???

    OK, I appreciate the sentiment. It was a thank you note, after all. But now no one will ever want to work for us again…… booo hoooo

    Mrs. Gamble