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Okay if you read this blog before the one about café Latino read that one first……. No really…..
So, did you all like my last post?  Really in depth right……… okay, well this week the team spent getting hours in to Tana and setting up times for ministry. Most of us are done with our schedule but some are still moving hours around………… as an AIM requirement each member of the team has to do 25 to 30 hours a week. The primary  ministries that I have chosen are the feeding program,  yard work, Crea and ATL in the park once a week….. 
One of the more fun ministries that I am doing is ATL in the park with JD, Laura, and Joann. Last week we all went to the park and played guitar for  3 hours.  As we were playing this one guy started talking to JD.  He was a Nica break dancing teacher. It was cool, he gave us a demo and then bought us some drinks. it was so cool to see a guy who was so willing to help us out…..even though we probably have more then him.  We talked for; I don’t  even know, an hour maybe, then we went to garden Café and talked some more. I did not get anything cause I did not have any money left for this week cause I bought a pair a jeans and ate at jimmy 3 fingers…..
This week we all went to a conference for the pastors in the area. Charles Kay and Pastor Flores spoke……   Carlos and Lester did a great worship set, and  Caleb S.  asked for support from the group for  the prayer house that he has started in the back of EL Puente. It is in need of a lot of work but God has given him a vision and I can’t wait to see how it looks when he is done…….
We had a day off after the conference which was good. It was nice to talk to a lot of friends and old FYM teem members like Sylvia and Jamie, well they’re the only ones but yeah….. I also talked to one friend from Cali over face book and  I left a phone message for another one. it sounded like most of the people I talked to were good….. Oh and at like 5:30 the guys on the team  went to jimmy 3 fingers It was a lot of food, not as good as I thought it would be but good none the less.  The fact that it was a whole ½  of my  budget for the week was not depressing at all….. so that is what I did this week with my awesome missions team…… thanks for tuning in……….

3 responses to “a week in the life of an FYM……….”

  1. It was great talking to you too Caleb. I’m glad to hear that everything is going good and that you are getting your ministries sorted out. That’s awesome! Your da man! Talk to ya later bro. Jamie.

  2. Hi Caleb,

    Here is Jordan’s blog for his time in Japan:

    I wasn’t sure if he sent it to you or not so I am forwarding it. You two should be able to share some fun stories together, you in Spanish and he is Japanese!

  3. Hey Caleb:

    Keep up the good work! I’m really enjoying reading your blog. You have no idea how this experience is going to bless your life and how much you’re a blessing to others.