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So, over the last few weeks I have been  telling you about  the rehab center Hogar Crea.  The guys on the team are invited to go every Tuesday and Sunday night.  It is fun to hang out with the guys there and tell them about Jesus. For the last 5 weeks we have been going and spending time there, somtimes we play guitar , ( oh, and thank you kilmer family for giving me so many great tabs from the bible study they are really helping  me out) a couple  weeks we danced to a chicken song that was awesome. One week me and Pepa ,one of the teem members, gave our testimony about our walk with christ……..  In the Crea program there are a number of levels to reach they are marked by how much time you spend there  and a number of other things……. Tomorrow the teem is doing a drama for them. We practiced today and it is looking good…..
 Well I think the last meeting we had was the most eventful.  First  we rode part of the way nica style  ( one rides on the bar of the bike and the other rides normal) then I ran cause I’m to big to ride that way. then Robert (one of the nicaraguans we know)  came on his motercycle and gave me a ride the rest of the way to Crea…. so we sang some songs and were having a great time with the guys and long story short…… Caleb S, Baker ,Joe and me shaved our heads………………………….. yeah really.
if you are asking why that is a long story. first, the guys at Crea have to shave there heads once a month, I think it is.  We have been there when they were doing it and me and Pepa and our translater Mario were joking about doing it. Then Tuesday  came and that morning I was doing my quite time and I was talking to God and I asked him to please show me what I can give up that would really test my devotion to him…..  so he had been telling me thru a number of things. A movie we watched, the guys at Crea, one of the girls on the team had told me that I would look good with a shaved head, stuff like that.  I was scared of what it would do to my life and what it would do to the way people saw me……  so I went to  crea that night  not wanting to do it and then  Caleb S. said “lets shave our heads” and me and joe were like “no way”. Then they asked if we wanted to do it and i was still not going to,  but then Joe got up and asked Mario to translate for him he said………….  I will give up my hair if you all give up your sins,  I love my hair and i would never give it up…………. except for God and then he put the spirit in me and I was so moved by his conviction that I said “count me in” and mario shaved my head.. We had so much fun with the guys there and  got so much respect… since then I have not  been 100 percent happy with it but i did this not for myself  but for the lord and his plan……
Side note, that night I went to a place the girls were having dinner and I  will never forget the look  they had when they saw me and the other guys…… God has answered my prayer…..
Prayer Requests: I am getting another cold and with no hair to keep me warm I am not doing well, so if you could pray for that I would love it.  Also, there is this guy around town that I have trouble tolerating and have wanted to punch out, so yeah pray for that too. Thank you everyone that still reads my blog and I will see most of you this christmas December 19……..
God bless. 

2 responses to “Hogar Crea”

  1. Dude thats pretty deep. its cool that you decided to shave your head for such a good reason. i know i wouldnt have liked to. i love my hair

  2. I’m really proud that you did something like shave your head for God. It is great when you do things for God and not for men. God can really strengthen your effectiveness in ministry by your devotion to Him and to your teamates. I know that you are doing that. I know He is working in your life in a very positive way down there. I’m sure there are a lot of things to learn there, like spanish (You will be way better speaking than I am when you get back) but mostly just depending on Him to support you no matter what. In our Sunday afternoon bible study with the Gambles, Kilmers, Bauers, Hills and Grants, we are learning that Jesus taught his disciples in much the same way that you are learning now. they spent lots and lots of time doing things for him and listening to him. You have the time now to listen to him through bible study and prayer that you never had before and you have lots of friends around you to show you other ways to listen to him too!

    The guy that bugs you can be less of a nuisance when you know confidently that Jesus is walking right beside you and has put up with a lot of people that bugged him too (Heb 4:15, 16).

    God also wants you to have an incredible amount of fun too!

    We pray every day for you. Keep doing God’s work.